A minimal implementation comprises a mechanism that waits for a call, dispatches it to the desired function and finally returns the method result.
The following examples omit error checking for ease of understanding. A connection is established and the call is processed.
TcpIpConnection conn (0x7f000001, 32000);HttpProtocol prot(&conn); Dispatcher server(&prot); server.addMethod(&testcall, "struct", "testcall", "int", "Returns input, difference and result"); server.addMethod(&testcall_with_many_params, "struct", "testcall_with_many_params", Signature() << Integer()
<< String() << Double(), "Performs action xyz"); MethodCall call = server.waitForCall(); MethodResponse resp = server.dispatchCall(call); server.sendResponse(resp);
And now the method that does to real work. In the following example it just takes a
number as input, adds a constant value of 1111 and returns a Struct
contains the original value, the difference and the result.
MethodResponse testcall (const MethodCall &calldata) { Integer i = calldata.getParam(0); Struct st; st.addMember("before", i); st.addMember("difference", Integer(1111)); st.addMember("after", Integer(i.getInteger()+1111)); return MethodResponse(st); }
The XML-RPC method may also also be implemented as a normal class method. To
access it you need some wrapper function. By using make_method
this is done automatically. For convenience and clearity there is also a
for static class methods or simple functions.
class TestWorker { public: TestWorker () {} MethodResponse testmethod (const MethodCall &calldata){ ... } }; MethodResponse testfunction (const MethodCall &calldata)
{ .... } server.addMethod(make_method(&testfunction),
Signature(Integer()), "testcall_function", Signature(Integer()) .addParam(Integer()), "Testcase with a c-function"); TestWorker worker; server.addMethod(make_method(worker, &TestWorker::testmethod),
Signature(Struct()), "testcall_in_class_dynamic", Signature(Integer()), "Testcase with a dynamic method in a class");