ulxmlrpcpp.cpp File Reference

#include <ulxmlrpcpp/ulxmlrpcpp.h>
#include <cctype>
#include <cerrno>
#include <sstream>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ulxmlrpcpp/ulxr_log4j.h>
#include <ulxmlrpcpp/ulxr_except.h>
#include <ulxmlrpcpp/ulxr_wbxmlparse.h>
#include <ulxmlrpcpp/ulxr_htmlform_handler.h>
#include <ulxmlrpcpp/ulxr_tcpip_connection.h>
#include <ulxmlrpcpp/ulxr_mutex.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  ulxr


#define STRNCMP(s1, s2, n)   wcsncmp(s1, s2, n)


void ulxr::getVersion (int &major, int &minor, int &patch, bool &debug, CppString &info)
 Gets the various parts of the version number.
Cpp16BitString ulxr::getUnicode (const std::string &latin1)
 Converts a string from latin1 to unicode.
std::string ulxr::getLatin1 (const Cpp16BitString &uni)
 Converts a string from unicode to latin1.
CppString ulxr::stripWS (const CppString &s)
 Removes trailing and leading white space.
CppString ulxr::encodeBase64 (const CppString &normstr, bool add_crlf=true)
 Converts binary data into base64 encoding.
CppString ulxr::decodeBase64 (const CppString &b64str, bool errcheck=true)
 Converts a base64 encoded string into raw data.
CppString ulxr::xmlEscape (const CppString &str, bool supp=false)
 Replaces dangerous sequences in xml strings.
CppString ulxr::charRefDezCont (ULXR_PCHAR("0123456789"))
CppString ulxr::charRefHexCont (ULXR_PCHAR("0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF"))
static void ulxr::resolveCharRef (const CppString &ins, unsigned &pos, CppString &outs)
CppString ulxr::xmlUnEscape (const CppString &str)
 Re-converts strings after being parsed.
static unsigned ulxr::decodeUtf8Group (const Cpp8BitString &val, unsigned &i)
Cpp8BitString ulxr::utf8ToAscii (const Cpp8BitString &val)
 Returns a string in utf8 as 8bit ascii.
Cpp16BitString ulxr::utf8ToUnicode (const Cpp8BitString &val)
 Returns a string in utf8 as 16bit Unicode.
Cpp8BitString ulxr::unicodeToUtf8 (const Cpp16BitString &val)
 Returns a string in 16bit Unicode as utf8.
Cpp8BitString ulxr::asciiToUtf8 (const Cpp8BitString &val)
 Returns a string in 8bit extended ascii as utf8.
Cpp8BitString ulxr::unicodeToUtf8 (const unsigned c)
 Returns a character in 16bit Unicode as utf8.
Cpp8BitString ulxr::convertEncoding (const Cpp8BitString &val, const char *to_encoding, const char *from_encoding)
Cpp8BitString ulxr::convertEncoding (const Cpp8BitString &val, iconv_t con)
 Returns a string converted from and to a user encoding.
Cpp8BitString ulxr::encodingToUtf8 (const Cpp8BitString &val, const char *encoding)
 Returns a string in a user encoding as utf8.
Cpp8BitString ulxr::utf8ToEncoding (const Cpp8BitString &val, const char *encoding)
 Returns a string in utf8 as user encoding.
void ulxr::makeLower (CppString &str)
 Converts string into lowercase.
void ulxr::makeUpper (CppString &str)
 Converts string into uppercase.
std::string ulxr::getWbXmlExtInt (long int i)
 Converts an integer in a wbxml multibyte uint32 sequence.
long int ulxr::wbXmlToInt (std::string &inp)
 Converts a wbxml multibyte sequence to an integer.
std::string ulxr::getWbXmlString (const CppString &inp)
 Converts a string in a wbxml inline string sequence.
CppString ulxr::wbXmlToString (std::string &inp)
 Converts a wbxml inline string sequence to a CppString.
CppString ulxr::binaryDebugOutput (const std::string &s)
 Converts a binary string into visible output in hex.
int ulxr::getRand ()
 Returns a random number.
CppString ulxr::getLastErrorString (unsigned errornum)
 Returns a readable string about the cause of the last system error.
Log4JSender * ulxr::getLogger4J ()
 Gets a pointer to the global log4j object.
void ulxr::intializeLog4J (const std::string &appname, const CppString &loghost=L"localhost")
 Initializes the global log4j object.
void ulxr::enableXmlPrettyPrint (bool pretty)
 Enables pretty-print of xml repsponses for better readability.
CppString ulxr::getXmlLinefeed ()
 Gets a string with the line feed for an xml response.
CppString ulxr::getXmlIndent (unsigned indent)
 Gets a string with spaces for an indentation in an xml response.


static ulxr::Char ulxr::b64_encodetable [64]
static int ulxr::b64_decodetable [256]
Mutex ulxr::randMutex
 help to protect non-reentrant std::rand()
Mutex ulxr::strerrorMutex
 help to protect non-reentrant std::strerror()
Mutex ulxr::ctimeMutex
 help to protect non-reentrant std::ctime()
Mutex ulxr::localtimeMutex
 help to protect non-reentrant std::localtime()
Mutex ulxr::gethostbynameMutex
 help to protect non-reentrant std::gethostbyname()
Mutex ulxr::gethostbyaddrMutex
 help to protect non-reentrant std::gethostbyaddr()
std::auto_ptr< TcpIpConnection > ulxr::l4jconn
std::auto_ptr< Log4JSender > ulxr::l4j
bool ulxr::pretty_xml = false

Define Documentation

#define STRNCMP ( s1,
 )     wcsncmp(s1, s2, n)

Definition at line 568 of file ulxmlrpcpp.cpp.

Referenced by ulxr::xmlUnEscape().


Definition at line 31 of file ulxmlrpcpp.cpp.

Generated on Sun Aug 19 20:08:58 2007 for ulxmlrpcpp by  doxygen 1.5.1