ulxmlrpcpp Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ulxr::ArrayImplementation of a parameter collection
ulxr::Base64Implementation of a base64 value
ulxr::BodyProcessorHelper class to process a chunk of the message body
ulxr::BooleanImplementation of a boolean value
ulxr::CachedResourceAbstraction of a resource accessed via xmlrpc or http
ulxr::ConnectionBase class for connection between XML RPC client and server
ulxr::ConnectionExceptionException due to connection or network problems
ulxr::ConnectorWrapper< T >Internal helper class template, not intended for public use
ulxr::ConnectorWrapperBaseInternal helper class, not intended for public use
ulxr::DateTimeImplementation of a date and time value
ulxr::DispatcherXML RPC Dispatcher (rpc server)
ulxr::DoubleImplementation of a floating point value
ulxr::ExceptionBase class for XML RPC exceptions
ulxr::ExpatWrapperA wrapper for expat
ulxr::FileProcessorHelper class to store the message body in a file
ulxr::FileResourceA resource that caches a file
ulxr::HtmlFormDataHelper class to deal with form data
ulxr::HtmlFormHandlerHelper class to deal with html "post" and "get" requests
ulxr::HttpClientA simple client for an http connection
ulxr::HttpProtocolRuns http as protocol for rpc transmition
ulxr::HttpServerA simple server for an http connection
ulxr::IntegerImplementation of a integer value
ulxr::Log4JSenderSimple logger support class based on log4j
ulxr::MethodAdderDefine interface for adding rpc method to a dispatcher
ulxr::MethodCallAbstraction of a MethodCall on a remote server
ulxr::MethodCallParserAn xml parser for a MethodCall
ulxr::MethodCallParserBaseAn xml parser for a MethodCall
ulxr::MethodCallParserWbAn wbxml parser for a MethodCall
ulxr::MethodExceptionXML RPC exception due to problems while executing the remote method
ulxr::MethodHandlerWrapper class for the method handlers
ulxr::hidden::MethodHandlerWrapper< T >Internal helper class template, not intended for public use
ulxr::hidden::MethodHandlerWrapperBaseInternal helper class, not intended for public use
ulxr::MethodResponseAbstraction of a response from a remote server
ulxr::MethodResponseParserAn xml parser for a MethodResponse
ulxr::MethodResponseParserBaseAn xml parser for a MethodResponse
ulxr::MethodResponseParserWbAn xml parser for a MethodResponse
ulxr::hidden::MethodWrapper< T >Internal helper class template, not intended for public use
ulxr::hidden::MethodWrapperBaseInternal helper class, not intended for public use
funtik::MultiProcessRpcServerMulti process handler for RPC requests
ulxr::MultiThreadRpcServerA multi threaded xml rpc server
ulxr::MutexSupporter class for mutual exclusion of processes/threads
ulxr::Mutex::LockerHelper class to request and release a mutex by pure presence
ulxr::Mutex::TryLockerHelper class to request and release a mutex by pure presence
ulxr::ParameterExceptionXML RPC exception due to faulty rpc parameters
ulxr::ProtocolBase class for the protocol of the rpc transportation
ulxr::hidden::Receiver_tWrapper class for the receiver types
ulxr::hidden::ReceiverWrapper< T >Internal helper class template, not intended for public use
ulxr::hidden::ReceiverWrapperBaseInternal helper class, not intended for public use
ulxr::RequesterXML RPC Requester (rpc client)
ulxr::RpcStringImplementation of a string value
ulxr::RuntimeExceptionException due to runtime errors
ulxr::SignatureConvenience class to generate larger signature strings for RPC methods: Usage examples:
funtik::SSLConnectionThe class for support ssl connections
ulxr::SSLConnectionClass for ssl connections between XML RPC client and server
ulxr::StringProcessorHelper class to store the message body in a string
ulxr::StructImplementation of a "named" collection
ulxr::Struct::MemberImplementation of a key-value pair
ulxr::hidden::SubResource< T >Helper class to forward a call to a resource handler
ulxr::hidden::SubResourceBaseInterface class to forward a call to a resource handler
ulxr::TcpIpConnectionRun a generic tcp/ip connection between a client and a server
ulxr::TcpIpConnection::ServerSocketDataHelper class to handle the server socket
ulxr::ValueAbstraction of an XML RPC parameter
ulxr::ValueBaseBase class of XML RPC parameters
ulxr::ValueParserBase class for XML RPC parsing
ulxr::ValueParserBaseBase class for WBXML RPC parsing
ulxr::ValueParserBase::ArrayStateHelper class to represent the data of the current parsing step when the xml element is an Array
ulxr::ValueParserBase::MemberStateHelper class to represent the data of the current parsing step when the xml element is a Struct
ulxr::ValueParserBase::ValueStateHelper class to represent the data of the current parsing step
ulxr::ValueParserWbBase class for WBXML RPC parsing
ulxr::ValueParserWb::BooleanStateHelper class to represent the data of the current parsing step when the xml element is an Boolean
ulxr::ValueParserWb::IntegerStateHelper class to represent the data of the current parsing step when the xml element is an Integer
ulxr::VirtualResourceA resource that only exists in memory
ulxr::VoidImplementation of a void value
ulxr::WbXmlParserBase class for binary XML parsing
ulxr::XmlExceptionXML RPC exception due to a faulty xml structure
ulxr::XmlParserBase class for XML parsing with expat
ulxr::XmlParserBaseBase class for XML parsing
ulxr::XmlParserBase::ParserStateHelper class to represent the data of the current parsing step

Generated on Sun Aug 19 20:08:58 2007 for ulxmlrpcpp by  doxygen 1.5.1